Sunday, December 29, 2019

Canon on White Christmas

Below is a recording I made of a canon -- at the sixth above -- that I discovered and arranged using the melody for Irving Berlin's song "White Christmas." It works rather well: I made one modification in the second half of measure 30. The bass line is a nod to that of the Air from Bach's Orchestral Suite No. 3.

This combination of Bach's and Berlin's music can also be heard in Peter Breiner's mashup on Naxos's Christmas Goes Baroque II from 1993.


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  2. Malinowski has a canon on the same theme, but at the fifth below instead!

    I guess it's no suprise though, the song can be harmonized with a downward circle of fifths, which Malinowski imitates outright with his interval and time distance. But since the is mostly 8's and 3's above that harmony a third higher works just as well, the occasional m7 is nicer if anything.

    A bunch of jazz standards that are really elaborated CoF's support this treatment. (Autumn leaves is great.)
